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Tableau is one of the speediest running Business Intelligence and data visualization engine. It is very fast to deploy, easy to learn and very perceptive to use for a client.

Tableau Course Objectives
* Understand the need for visualization
* Make advance quick visuals
* Implement scripting
* Create comprehensive dashboards
* Connect with multiple sources
* Integrate Tableau with R
Tableau provides five main things supply to several visualization methods for developers and organizations. Those are:
* Tableau Desktop is made for individual use
* Tableau Server is useful for Collaboration for any organization
* Tableau Online is suitable for Business Intelligence in the Cloud
* Tableau Reader reads files saved in Tableau Desktop.
* Tableau Public is for journalists or anyone to publish interactive data online.
Tableau can integrate with different data sources such as text, excel file and databases to queries. We are also focusing on Join types, Data Blending, connection to cubes, SQL and Google Analytic.