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Tomcat & Jboss

Tomcat is an application server from the Apache operating system Foundation that executes Java servlets and renders Web pages that include Java Server Page coding. Characterize as a "reference implementation" of the Java Servlet and the Java Server Page specifications, Tomcat is the development of an open collaboration of developers and is available from the Apache Web site in both binary and source history. Tomcat can be used as either a standalone product with its own national Web server or together with other Web servers, including Apache, Netscape Enterprise Server, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), and Microsoft Personal Web Server. Tomcat requires a Java Runtime Enterprise Environment that conforms to JRE 1.1

Apache Tomcat is used to expand your Java Servlets and JSPs. So in your Java project you can build your WAR (short for Web ARchive) file, and just drop it in the deploy list in Tomcat. So basically Apache is an HTTP Server, serving HTTP. Tomcat is a Servlet and JSP Server serving Java technologies Apache Tomcat 7 includes several guarantee updates that further harden the application server that came directly from the Bugzilla queue. One new quality, the Security Lifecycle Listener, helps ensure that Tomcat is started in a reasonably secure way.

JBoss is a division of Red Hat that provides support for the JBoss open source application server program and related middleware services marketed under the JBoss project Middleware brand. JBoss is an open source alternative to commercial offerings from IBM Web Sphere and SAP Net Weaver. The JBoss Web application server was built with one immediate goal in mind: to make it as dynamic and expandable (and scalable) as possible, without losing too much in achievement or reliability.

JBoss provides a default application that serves content for the root application context. This default context is the ROOT. War application in the jbossweb-tomcat55.sar catalogue. You can serve static files not associated with any other application by adding that satisfied to the ROOT. War directory. For example, if you want to have a shared image directory you could create an image subdirectory in ROOT. War and place the images there. You could then access an image named my image.